Our certification process
Simply. Fast. Good.
Through HQC you can acquire your Halal certificate in a simple and reliable way.
1. Submission and Review of Application (Free)
If you are aiming for Halal certification, contact us by mail or phone or fill out our application form. We will talk to you about the upcoming processes. Our knowledgeable staff will review the application to ensure you have provided sufficient information for certification and that the essential Halal requirements can be met.
2. Certification Offering
Based on the results of the application, we will send you a certification offer and provide you with documents related to the halal services.
3. Confidentiality Agreement
If you are interested in certification and accept the offer, we will provide you with a certification agreement, non-disclosure agreement and the terms of using our logo.
4. Review of Documents
In this step we review and assess your production environment, ingredients, cleaning procedures, ingredients, etc. Here the applicant submits the evidence of their Halal compliance, e.g. B. for the ingredients.
5. On-site Audit
After examining the documents, our auditors carry out a physical audit in your company. You will receive an audit plan beforehand.
6. Decision making and granting of HQC certification
After the on-site audit and the submission of all documents, we will review the audit report and based on this you will receive your Halal certificate if the decision to do so is made. You will receive a halal certificate that entitles you to enter the entire global halal market. You are also entitled to use the HQC logo on your products. HQC is a Halal brand registered worldwide and enjoys a high level of consumer trust.